Central Texas Youth Services

Join us for the 2nd Annual John Mayo Memorial Golf Tournament!

Payment may be made via check or by clicking the "Donate" link to PayPal, Cash App, and Venmo above.
Central Texas Youth Services is very grateful for the ongoing support demonstrated by the local community. We would not be able to serve homeless youth, young adults, and their children without each and every generous donation! Thank you!

A big shout out to Jennifer Brietzke for letting Parker donate some of his gently used items. He celebrated his 1st birthday by donating to Central Texas Youth Services.

First United Methodist Church in Temple donated personalized gifts for each youth that is residing at Option House this Christmas. Thank you for showing such kindness and support!

Killeen Turtle Club donated Christmas gifts for the youth of Central Texas Youth Services. Their holiday spirit and giving is very appreciated by CTYS!

Fort Hood Officers' Spouses' Club made a generous donation of $500 to support Central Texas Youth Services Independent Living Program. We are very thankful for there support!

Thank you to Professional Contract Services, Inc. (PCSI) for their continued support of Central Texas Youth Services. Mr. Martinez came by to drop off their annual donation of $3,000.00!

Thank you to Bell County for the donation of lockers for the Belton Drop-In Center! This will provide youth a place to secure their personal belongings while accessing emergency services.

Temple Brethren Church showed their support of Central Texas Youth Services with a generous donation of $500! Thank you!

Mid-Texas Corvette Club has made two donations to Option House totaling $1500.00! This demonstration of support for Central Texas Youth Services and the youth in the local community is greatly appreciated!

A big THANK YOU to Rue21 in Market Heights Shopping Center for their generous donation of jeans!
The 24th Annual TriCounty Toy Run of Central Texas made a wonderful donation of toys and gift-cards to Central Texas Youth Services. This donation will assists in providing presents to the youth we serve this holiday season!

Thank you to the Fort Hood Area Thrift Shop for their donation of $500.00 to Option House. This donation will assist with providing transitional living and emergency shelter care for the youth in our local community. What an awesome support of Central Texas Youth Services!
More to come..... Please check back for updates and shout outs to our awesome community for their continued support!!! If you or your club has made a donation and would like a photo or logo added to this page please email to ctysb.ed@gmail.com. Thank you!